I wish I knew.

I wish I knew.
I wish I knew who you were. 
I wish I knew when you would come, when we find each other.
Will we meet in a coffee shop, where we bond over the simplicity of black coffee?
Will you sit next to me one day at the dog beach and strike up a conversation?
Will I accidentally run into you on the street and be mesmerized by your baby blue eyes?
Will I meet you at a friend’s wedding, where you rescue me from dancing with her grandpa for the hundredth time?
Will I notice you and more importantly, will you notice me?
I wish I knew.





Love & Adventure


Recently, I’ve been pushing myself outside of my comfort zone. Or perhaps, rather than thinking, analyzing, or worrying, I am simply allowing myself to be. I feel that I’ve been trying to take each moment as it comes and for once, to allow myself to live without worrying about mistakes.

Yes, I know there is a greater potential for hurt, disappointment and perhaps, even heartbreak. However, there is also a greater chance for happiness, joy, love, excitement and freedom!

I challenge you to take little risks each day! Even if it’s just one! Why stay stuck in your head or in your safe box? Why not, try something new and different? Let yourself experience life and all it has to offer. I promise you that you will look back one day and not regret that you did.

Honestly, what’s the worst that can happen?



The Single Woman

single woman

“When you are your own best friend, you don’t endlessly seek out relationships, friendships, and validation from the wrong sources because you realize that the only approval and validation you need is your own.”

Honestly, I struggle quite a bit with the idea of being a single woman. I’ve never been in a relationship, never had a boyfriend, and my dating track record is not the best. Actually, as my best friend Brooke puts it, I tend to be interested in “douche bags” and “jack-asses” and fraternity “boys.” This past year has been a pretty rough one when it comes to boys, and thus, I have found myself broken-hearted and unsure of if love is even worth it.

Lately, I’ve taken a good look at why being a single woman is so difficult for me. What it really comes down to is the belief that I am unlovable or inherently unworthy in some way. I have connected my failure in the dating world to being a failure as a person. In reality, those  two things have nothing to do with each other. Seeking validation through boys and the external world has only distracted me from finding validation from the person that matters most- myself.

I believe it is so truly important and vital for us to love ourselves. I know this may sound cliché, but the ability to cultivate self-love and self-validation is essential to a happy life. If we are constantly trying to live for others, we will never experience fulfillment.

Just some musings on this idea. I shall keep you posted on how things are going.




Just got back from San Francisco, and while I could go on about how much I already miss it…I think I’ll just post some photos from the trip. A picture’s worth a 1,000 words, right? Happy Monday loves!



securedownloadTreated myself to an almond + cherry scone and an almond milk latte at a little cafe I stumbled upon while walking through the city.

Union Square ♥

Ferry building = one of my favorite places in SF.

Words cannot describe how happy I was to be reunited with my Blue Bottle Coffee, sigh.

Handmade infinity wire bracelet I picked up from a street vendor.

photo 3Lovely view from the Sutro Baths.

photo 1Peak of the Golden Gate Bridge during a hike through Lands End.

A warm winter?

In Cali winter isn’t really a season. Perhaps it gets a little chilly for a day and the next thing you know it’s hot enough for a good tan.

Thus, combining winter style with the warmer weather can be a challenge.

For me, I embrace the darker winter colors and fun boots, but I make sure that my clothes are light and airy.

It may sounds silly, but I want to experience winter, perhaps just in my own So Cal way!

Let me know what you think! What are your tricks?




The real meaning of Valentine’s Day

To put it simply, Valentine’s Day is about love.

To me, February 14th is not about chocolate or roses or being in a relationship, it’s about telling those around you that you love them.

This could be your best friend, your mom, your dog, your cat, your sister or brother.

Regardless of what you are doing today, tell those around you that you love and cherish them.

And don’t forget to love yourself as well! You can be your own Valentine!



The journey of an “anti-truster”

Whilst sitting on the floor drinking my pumkpin spice herbal tea, i am contemplating the journey of my life.

For me, it often seems that life never gives me a break.

It seems as though the Universe throws me one challenge after another.

How can I “trust” in the Universe’s plan, when it seems that I am unable to handle all that it is sending my way?

However, I realize that these moments- when things so overwhelming and utterly impossible- are the ones in which my soul grows.

Now let me be honest, the growth I’m experiencing sucks- it’s often painful and uncomfortable and just plain sad.

Yet, I know that these challenges and difficulties are a part of my journey and all I have to do- all I can do is trust.

I think that’s ultimately all we can do in this life- we ultimately can’t control, we can’t change or fix. All we can do is trust the Universe or our Higher Power to send us what we need.

So tonight, I leave you with that bit of wisdom as I “keep calm and drink my tea.” 😊🙏



Pink + Purple

In honor of Valentine’s Day this week I chose to add a little pop of color to my nails. I’m usually a dark red or neutral tan type of girl but pinks and purples seemed to be more appropriate this time. I love using two (okay, even three) different colors for my nails too. I used to think it look kind of childish and maybe even tacky, but more and more I’ve been using my nail polish to add a little extra sass and personality to my look. Finished with some delicate mid-finger rings and I’m ready to spread some serious love.

